English · My Artist Side · My Blabber Side

Movie: The Double


Rating: 6.5/10 (IMDb)
Genre: Thriller, Comedy, Romance
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg (Simon James), Mia Wasikowska (Hannah)
Director: Richard Ayoade
Music: Andrew Hewitt
Releases: 2011


Main Story

This is not a review, merely thoughts instead. I just watched it this evening, in my lowest state of mind and my sick body, and it definitely a no-to-watch movie. I mean, it’s beautiful, in a most satirical and surreal way, plus Mia Wasikowska definitely my favorite actress, and the soundtrack enormously equipped the play, but, please, this is so beautifully depressing.

Please just don’t watch it when your heart not in it’s best state and circumstances, because tho it’s magnificent, it’s a somber kind of magnificence.

I might just end this day by crying in my bed weeping and mourning about life itself. Completely worsened by the film’s emotional manipulation.

Thanks, Mr. Ayoade. You know how to do it.

English · My Blabber Side · My Chaotic Philosophy

#Soliloquy about Outer World and Everything in Between

“Can’t you believe it? They’re just cramped me out.”

“I failed to see what’s you point. She said that you worth it and he said this is your time. “


“You know what, you keep telling me about your dreams, each of them, until I got everything in my subconscious mind, then the earth give you exactly what you’ve been dreaming for and now you tried to evade them?”

“It just…. I don’t know whether it is right or it was merely me blinded by diamonds and pearls. Now I’m thinking about it and apparently it quite frightening.”

“Going out of your comfort zone always frightening, you asked for them first. Now I can’t understand.”

“I think I don’t want to go out.”

“Go out from where? You think you’re in it already? In your comfort zone? I can tell you how much you’ve been whinning to win my arguments but no, I’ll just reminds you that we’re on a same boat that sailing in the middle of stormy ocean, darling. No one of us is safe. What do you asking for?”

“I don’t know I’m so thrilled. Or perhaps it just because the hangover of Black Swan which I had been watched this evening. I understand the feeling when something that you’ve been longing forever makes you insane.”

“It draws you well?”

“It draws me well. Now I’m afraid of myself. I’m afraid of everything that I wanted. From the distance we can state an iceberg is enchanting until we come closer and collided and it becomes deadly.”

“You are afraid”

“I just not ready, I think.”

“No, you are afraid.”

“I’m so tired, can’t we just not talking about this?”

“Good, keep gliding out and you’ll never win”

“I don’t care. Good night, Darling. Here, listen the song I’ll be sleeping with tonight:”

English · My Writer Side

Book Review: Memories by Lang Leav


Author: Lang Leav
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2015
Pages: 243 Pages
Rating: ★ of ★★★★★


I heard Lang Leav a lot before, like, A LOT. Especially on Instagram where all people tend to be so poetic with a cutoff of emotional poem as the caption for some unrelated images (no, I’m not pinpointing on some of Indonesia’s fashion bloggers and instacelebs, believe me, I’m not).

I, as a person who never been into poetry, was hardly impressed and have zero intention to read the real book by Leav. But, well, what to say if I found my office friend have it on her desk and the cover is so beautiful and she sit next to me so I could see the beauty of the book everytime I turn my head? So I borrowed it right away from her.


Main Story

Memories basically a book of poetry of thoughts and feelings, of a lost love and deep longing emotions in a girl’s mind. It’s all written down ranging from a few stanzas to flash fiction to some paragraphs of prose .

This is the most beautiful book I’ve ever seen, literally. I talked about the hardcover made of red dove and blue velvet material, with a classical contemporary potrait style and feminine fonts that used in the cover. The layout inside, too, has similar beautiful setup, and not to forget the picture in early book draws you–as a reader.


But let alone the beautiful cover and all because reading this has taught me a lot to never judge the book by it’s cover. You see, although there’s a lot of pieces in every each pages, written in different tittles and forms, they are all tedious and lack of depth. Repeating the same thoughts over and over again with same flawful punctuations and pauses.

Leav use  distinct and non-metaphorical words, without intention to make the readers think a lot, that makes it an easy-read for the teens. But I always fall in love with literature pieces that uses peculiar phrases to draws the specific literal meaning, which, in my opinion, is an essential element of a poetry, which don’t get it here

I’m not an avid reader of poetry nor I know a lot about them so I can’t really depict a precise review of it. But anyway, I’m not feeling impressed.


Nevertheless, Memories by Lang Leav is my first poem book. And I give one star to my first poem books.

English · Music · My Artist Side · My Chaotic Philosophy · My Music Geek Side

Please Meet Persephone

Dreams do come true, they are really do.

It’s been a long time, even long before I made this blog, that I really really really want to have a flute and be able to playing them. Now seven years later, I really made it!

Bought a secondhand–because the new one priced as high as another galaxy–with a really good bargain. I can’t believe my luck. Apparently, sometimes the key of luck is merely one: patience.


I used all my savings and my banks might be crying right now, and still have tuitions to be payed for months ahead, that’s a big number to be sacrificed tho, but I can’t stop feeling thrilled, even in the way back home, my hands were trembling. I am holding YFL-221 that is MINE, for God’s shake! Please pinch me! Am I in the dream right now?

And yes, I named her Persephone, a Greek Goddess of springtime, because she is as graceful as it is.


Dreams do come true, now I believe, they are really do, only if you willing to sacrifice a lot for them.

English · My Chaotic Philosophy

How To Stay Productive When You’re Depressed


Shared this from The Wonder Forest‘s web because I feel so relatable and have an intent to applied this right away and I thought, why not you too?

Speaking as someone who’s suffered from random (sometimes long) bouts of depression for the last 10-ish years, I know how tough it can be. Depression can make the simplest of things feel harder, right? Some days even getting out of bed takes a huge amount of effort. Finding motivation to do almost anything can seem……

via 6 Ways to Stay Productive When You’re Depressed — Wonder Forest

English · My Chaotic Philosophy

I Don’t Need Butterflies Nor Roses

By the time I started fantasize about cotton candy cloud and rainbow bridge, I should zapped myself out of it, immediately. It’s not funny anymore and I’m not a little child anymore. And don’t tell me to grinning like an idiot, because I’m not a little girl anymore.

Warns and precautious spread all over the walls, I have already knew, I just didn’t took them seriously. Oh yeah, we can try endlessly but in the end we are wizards and witches in disguise. We were disgusted and mad and ready to pinpointed the wand on anybody else’s face, but, uh-oh, we ALL have a wand.

Come on, so tired of this game, don’t you too? Why cannot we ended this and pretending you never be a frog and I never be a lizard. We are not a little children playing with play-doh. We are mature witch and wizard with a full-power magical skills playing with each other’s awful emotions.

As it sounds as safe as it never be.

English · My Chaotic Philosophy


Took many mental health and psychological test all over internet and these are what I majorly accused for:

  1. Major Depressive Disorder
  2. Severe Anxiety Disorder



I know I can’t depend on some random tests but now I starts thinking seriously about going to psychiatrist so I could legally get those anti-depressant shits anyway.

#TheMorningTales · English

#TheMorningTales 4 – Morning Sickness


What do I do to ignore them behind me?
Do I follow my instincts blindly?
Do I hide my pride from these bad dreams?
And give in to sad thoughts that are maddening?
Do I sit here and try to stand it?
Or do I try to catch them red-handed?
Do I trust some and get fooled by phoniness,
Or do I trust nobody and live in loneliness?
Because I can’t hold on when I’m stretched so thin
I make the right moves but I’m lost within
I put on my daily facade but then
I just end up getting hurt again
By myself // myself

I ask why, but in my mind
I find I can’t rely on myself

I can’t hold on
To what I want when I’m stretched so thin
It’s all too much to take in
I can’t hold on
To anything watching everything spin
With thoughts of failure sinking in

If I // Turn my back I’m defenseless
And to go blindly seems senseless
If I hide my pride and let it all go on then they’ll
Take from me ‘till everything is gone
If I let them go I’ll be outdone
But if I try to catch them I’ll be outrun
If I’m killed by the questions like a cancer
Then I’ll be buried in the silence of the answer
by myself // myself

I ask why, but in my mind
I find I can’t rely on myself

How do you think I’ve lost so much
I’m so afraid that I’m out of touch
How do you expect… I will know what to do
When all I know Is what you tell me to

Don’t you know
I can’t tell you how to make it go
No matter what I do, how hard I try
I can’t seem to convince myself why
I’m stuck on the outside



So funny that every thoughts I had this morning is all related to the lyric of this song.

It reflected so well in some stages.

Bahasa · My Writer Side

Book Review – Carrie by Stephen King


Author: Stephen King
Translator: Gita Yuliani K.
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2013
Pages: 256 Pages
Rating: ★★ of ★★★★★


Paket buku ini baru saya buka tadi pagi, sepulang saya dari luar kota dan langsung saya baca saat itu juga, mengingat nggak ada lagi hal menarik lain yang berniat saya kerjakan hari ini. Surprisingly, ternyata buku ini habis hanya dalam setengah hari saja. Prestasi yang cukup memuaskan sebetulnya, mengingat kecepatan baca saya yang sebetulnya luar biasa tapi kemampuan baca yang berkurang karena lama memanjakan diri dengan enggak baca buku sama sekali (saya biasa nyalahin platform-platform digital untuk ini, padahal sih sebenernya saya aja yang males ). Setidaknya salah satu resolusi saya tahun ini (Re: Read more books) lumayan berhasil di hari pertama 2017.

Back to topic.

Sudah lama saya mengincar buku ini. Well, sebetulnya bahkan sudah lama saya mengincar karya-karya Stephen King ketika tahu beliau sering disanding-sandingkan dengan Edgar Allan Poe dan Neil Gaiman sebagai The King of Horror and Thriller Stories.

Walau mengaku sebagai thriller novel freak, lumayan malu juga mengakui saya belum pernah baca satu pun karya The King yang satu ini. Pernah saya coba baca Rose Madder, namun menyerah di tengah jalan. Entahlah, mungkin ceritanya terlalu berat dan membosankan bagi saya yang masih berusia tiga belas tahun saat itu.

Maka, pikir saya, Carrie akan jadi pembuka yang sempurna mengingat bahwa karya ini termasuk satu karya King yang paling populer sepanjang masa.


Main Story

Singkatnya, Carrie bercerita tentang seorang gadis SMA yang pendiam dan sering menjadi korban bully di sekolahnya. Carrie memiliki ibu penganut agama kristen orthodox cukup ekstrim yang sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan psikisnya. Ia memiliki kemampuan telekinesis yang kerap muncul saat dirinya berada dalam posisi tertekan atau tersudut. Kemampuan ini rupanya menjadi sumber mimpi buruk kota Chamberlain ketika penindasan yang dilakukan teman-temannya di acara Pesta Dansa Sekolah semakin kelewat batas.

It won’t be long, I promise.

Alasan saya me-review buku ini di sini bukan karena buku ini bagus atau gimana. Intinya saya hanya ingin menghujat penerjemahnya saja kok. Bahkan di kalimat pertama di bagian pertamanya saja, I’m so done with this book.

Saya pernah bilang di review buku terakhir bahwa terjemahan The Wizard of Oz itu jeleknya kayak ditranslet pakai gugel translet berbasis jaman Soekarno-Hatta, nah ternyata ada yang lebih parah dari itu.

Carrie, karya termashyur dari Stephen King; salah satu yang membuat topik telekinesis menjadi populer di masyarakat tahun itu; karya pertama King yang diangkat ke layar kaca di tahun 1976; karya yang saking populernya bahkan dibuat versi remake-nya dengan dibintangin Chloe Moretz di tahun 2013; namun begitu saya baca, embel-embel luar biasa itu hilang semua.

Saya nggak tau apa yang sebenarnya dipikirkan si penerjemah. Apakah segitu terjepitnya beliau dengan deadline? Apa beliau pernah baca kembali hasil terjemahannya? Dan kalau iya, apakah beliau menyadari kebusukan dalam hasil terjemahannya ini? Pun saya nggak paham apa yang dipikirkan penerbit besar sekelas Gramedia Pustaka Utama, aduh, tolonglah, kalau belum punya pengalaman dan belum bisa menerjemah dengan bagus, setidaknya janganlah dikasih buku populer begini. Karena membaca ini, alih-alih menikmati Stephen King, yang ada saya cuma misuh-misuh berusaha menerjemahkan sendiri padanan kata yang sangat non-literal ini.

Kalau saya editornya, mungkin sudah saya koyak habis naskah terjemahan ini tepat di depan wajah sang penerjemah dan saya minta ganti penerjemah lain. Saya curiga ini benar-benar diterjemahkan pakai gugel translet dan sang penerjemah cuma makan gaji buta.

Satu lagi yang saya bingungkan, sepertinya cara penulisannya agak aneh. Ada banyak kalimat dalam kurung di sepanjang cerita, yang saya kurang paham apa relasinya. Jika kata-kata itu adalah monolog dari batin tokoh, kenapa ditandai dengan kurung di paragraf terpisah dan bukannya dimiringkan saja? Lalu kalau benar itu memang monolog batin tokoh, kenapa saya merasa tidak ada hubungannya dengan konteks paragraf secara keseluruhan? Ah, sepertinya saya harus baca buku aslinya saja agar jelas.

Tapi dibalik kesebalan saya terhadap sang penerjemah, toh akhirnya buku ini berhasil saya tamatkan juga. Mungkin tertolong dengan genrenya atau plotnya sendiri, mengingat saya lumayan freak kalau urusan psychological thriller.



Pada akhirnya, ternyata yang saya lakukan bukan mereview unsur intrinsik buku ini secara keseluruhan seperti yang biasa saya lakukan, melainkan benar-benar cuma menghujat penerjemahnya saja.

Soal rating, saya rasa dua bintang sudah cukup, keduanya untuk aspek psikologis Carrie dan cara penjabaran dengan artikel berkesinambungan di sepanjang cerita.

Time to go for another reads 🙂