My Blabber Side · My Chaotic Philosophy · Uncategorized

it’s pretty toxic.

I guess, for some reason, being amongst of social media stream is not always appropriate for people with social anxiety. We hurt ourselves if we tend to do that, the thing that every marketeers and branding profesionals adviced: dive and clubbing in the middle of heads all around us.

I guess, this is wrong. Instagram has always been such a Pinterest to me. Like a holy chamber to seek for inspirations or any aesthetical purpose. But since I try to opened up myself in order to be more extravert, sociable, decent, and proper, I allows myself to connect and be connected to some acquaintances, that I actually haven’t any comfortability to. And so this is happen.

I guess, tracing back why I feel like intoxicated everytime I scroll my timeline, is because so many outsiders’s life throws into me, that I don’t even have any intention to accept or even react. So many broken privacy in just short amount of time. It offends me in some how, some way.

We introverts tends to keep our circle small. It’s not that we cannot maintain social interaction, instead because we can’t opened up that easy. Thereby, introverts privacy is a strict region. It’s so fragile that if you break it, you figuratively break everything inside. It’s adequately lethal.

I guess, I will stop using instagram for some time now. It’s easier than breaking all the connections because I’m socially awkward and anxious and it’s cost a lot of my energy.

My Fangirl Side · Uncategorized

First Impression: Persona 5


I love everything visualized in the trailer. The character and gestures are so motion. The interface design is cool 2D’s based. The gameplay seems closer to the nonlinear type, thinking about Final Fantasy. The story look nowhere near cliche.

Their website design definitely the MOST SEE  ★★★★★

The color theme itself so lovely.persona 5 color swatches

I’m waiting for the EU version thus having intention to destroy the calendar right to Spring 2017. I might talking about this particular game a lot. Please bear with me.


My Blabber Side · My Blog Talks · Uncategorized

Today is Friday

If you looking for me this evening, I might be:

Sitting in Dunkin Donuts--

(Because a friend in office talk about dunkin donuts and I suddenly have an urge to have a full plate. Dunkin is my favorite place to be alone. )

--Writing some blog posts--

(Four years blogging and just managed to use the scheduled post feature once in the last post. Thinking about it, hail to the magic while your blog can manage it’s own aesthetic while you hang out somewhere doing something useless.)

--Using my office inventory macbook--

Kudos to it’s battery ability and shop’s wi-fi.

--While eating chocolate and peanuts classic donuts--

I grown up with their strawberry-filling donuts being the only favorite. Unfortunately this is not the day, fellas.

--And listening to Quentin Sirjacq.


Have a good weekend!

Because I don’t have one at all, as always.

Sorry for being cynical.


Bahasa · My Writer Side

Book Review: The Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Author: L. Frank Baum
Translator: A. Dzaka
Publisher: PT Tangga Pustaka, 2013
Pages Count: 224 Pages


The Wizard of Oz, cerita klasik L. Frank Baum yang sebegitu terkenalnya, yang sudah diterjemahkan ke puluhan bahasa dan diadaptasi ke baik ke teater maupun layar kaca di seluruh dunia, belum pernah sekali pun saya baca dan saya tonton filmnya.

Empat tahun lalu saya sempat buat list life goals, yang salah satunya adalah membaca karya-karya klasik mancanegara minimal 50 buku, yang mana seharusnya termasuk Wizard of Oz juga. Tapi, ya, gitulah, kadang saya memang suka ngomong doang =_=

Maka ketika nemu buku ini di bazaar lima bulan yang lalu (iya, memang udah lama =_=) tanpa pikir dua kali langsung saya samber aja begitu.

Main Story

The Wizard of Oz menceritakan tentang seorang gadis kecil yang tinggal di Kansas bersama Paman dan Bibi serta anjingnya namun sebuah topan badai aneh menerbangkan Dorothy bersama anjingnya ke sebuah negeri asing yang aneh. Tujuan mereka kini hanya satu: pulang.

Enough said, I kinda had a hard hard time to finish.

Bahasanya bikin saya bosan. Kaku sekali, seperti ditranslate pakai gugel berbasis jaman soekarno-Hatta. Saya kurang paham apakah gaya begini adalah karena sang translator yang kurang luwes atau memang bawaan dari naskah aslinya. Tapi rasa-rasanya saya malas juga kalau harus baca naskah aslinya hanya untuk memastikan apakah gaya bahasanya juga sama jeleknya atau tidak. Saya ngerti sih, ini memang bacaan anak-anak, tapi daripada ‘sederhana’ rasanya malah lebih pas dibilang ‘kacau’. Saya kurang yakin apakah anak-anak juga akan mengerti kekacauan padanan kata-kata di buku ini.

Karakterisasinya bikin saya sebel. Jujur sih, saya malah menangkap bahwa si Dorothy ini karakter yang mengerikan, bahkan jauh lebih harus diwaspadai daripada penyihir jahat dari Negeri Barat. Dorothy terkesan sebagai gadis kecil keras kepala yang hanya memanfaatkan teman-teman hopelessnya untuk mencapai tujuannya sendiri. Berhasil membunuh para penyihir jahat hanya karena keberuntungan yang datang entah dari mana.

Alurnya kebanyakan filler yang ditarik ulur nggak jelas. Dan ternyata, tidak kalah mengerikannya dari Dorothy si karakter utama. Sebagai cerita anak-anak, saya lumayan kaget dengan banyaknya adegan kekerasan yang dijalankan dengan lancar-lancar saja oleh para tokoh di dalamnya seakan itu bukan sebuah kekerasan. Yang lainnya, saya masih ingat dengan adegan Bayung dan Penebang kaleng yang meninggalkan singa tertidur di ladang opium hingga mati. Walau pun si singa tidak mati pada akhirnya, tapi bahkan gagasan adanya ladang opium itu pun sudah cukup mengerikan sebetulnya, untuk sebuah cerita anak-anak.

Untung settingnya, yah lumayanlah. Barriernya lumayan jelas dan deskripsinya rada meyakinkan. Saya rasa dibanding aspek-aspek lainnya yang minus besar, mungkin worldbuildingnya bisa dikasih nilai netral lebih sedikit.

Belum sampai genap delapan bab saya baca (total ada 24 bab), saya sudah siap melemparkan buku ini jauh-jauh. Tapi saya tetap bertahan dengan harapan bahwa pertanyaan saya tentang mengapa cerita ini bisa sangat populer, akan terjawab. Tapi ternyata tidak juga. Kenapa cerita ini bisa sangat populer, saya masih belum tahu dan catatan panjang lebar dari penerbit sebagai penutup juga rasanya jadi nonsense.


Soal stars rating, cukup ★, satu bintang hanya untuk settingnya saja. Yang lainnya nol besar.

Dear pembaca, kalau Anda punya argumen yang bagus untuk menjelaskan kepada saya mengapa cerita ini bisa jadi salah satu karya klasik yang sangat digemari, tolong dijabarkan di kolom komentar agar dapat mencerahkan hidup kita semua, terutama hidup saya, karena buku ini berhasil bikin saya badmood dua hari.


My Fangirl Side

#CurrentObsession: Persona Game

Main Story

Persona games has always been my obsession since I’m in high school about 6 years ago (the gratitudes all goes to Square Enix and my older brother) so additional word “current” may not barely compatible now.

But I was stumbled upon persona music in Youtube few weeks ago and the obsession came encountering me again. Therefore I currently playing Persona 3 portable now in Ied holiday. Why Persona games are so addictive? I can’t helped.

Made this playlist full of Persona original soundtrack in which I mostly love. Mainly come from Persona 4 game since it has the most legit soundtracks in my opinion.

Oh, and if you’re also into Persona game, let me know so I have a friend to be squealling with!



My Chaotic Philosophy · My Writer Side

Ma Mère

She is the first one who wake up in the dark morning, craddle us with the sound of kitchen uttensils crisping through the stillness, interfere our deep-sleep dream with the odour of morning milk or tea and breakfast meal, interupt the pleasant bedsheet drowning session with the alarming sound of morning. I always hate to face the morning thus I often hate this gestures as well.

She also the one who sleep the most late of all. Well, no, maybe. Since moi a nightwolf and big brother is a nightowl as well. But even in the late of night, she is the one who will checking the doors and windows to make sure we can rest the night safe and sound, turn off our results of our carelessness and laziness, and pray for us to have a good life ahead. She backing up our life and future through the God.

Another story, she is the one who knows us really well. What we hate; what we love; what we likely to behave; what each of our dresscodes; where to put this and that; when to go buy the tissue, ketchup and, sugar. How to make home. How to make life.

I told her “No” for thousand times as well as “Yes”. I am a strongheaded person and an emotional one, which I believe it were heredited by her. We ARE strongheaded and emotional. Years passes by and yet we still the closest but also the most quarell-able members of the pack of five. Our relationship is so fragile.

But I am a girl, a woman and mother in the future, and everytime I look at her sacrificial, I asking the same question all over again, deep to my core, “Can I become like her? Can I sacrify so much like her? Can I tore myself down like her? Am I willing to give everything up, like her?”

We are often get into the fight. Not catfight, yet, but in my heart, I always win for the shake of my tireness and tears. Yeah, we are bearing the same amount of tire and tears, sometimes. But I apparently just becoming shallow. I’m not worth anything, not even a single piece of my hair, to be juxtaposed with her. I am a disgrace, and she is the one who lift me up and make me who I am today. She is beyond me. She is beyond kings and queens. She is beyond sky and galaxy and anything in between.


Today, a very happy birthday to you, Mother. You are my diamond, my heart, my lungs, my biggest reason to live.

Please stay healthy and well, and safe and sound.

For many days and years to come.

Forever, and ever after.