English · Music · My Chaotic Philosophy · My Music Geek Side

Playlist of a Swaying Mood

Tried to decipher how my mood can easily swing by analyzing what songs I heard within the day, and this is the result.

9.00 Am


10.00 AM


10.30 AM


11.09 AM


11.20 AM


11.50 AM


2.57 PM


3.04 PM


3.50 PM


6.05 PM


6.24 PM



My playlist is stochastic so the result is: My mood swing level is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.

My Blabber Side

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme

Yesterday I marathoned this particular miniseries by Cartoon Network called Over the Garden Wall.


Ok, it may sounds weird despite that I’m a tragedic-and-gore story freak some years ago but now I hate hate hate sad and depressing and tragedic story. It’s good that it didn’t have sad ending (if that case, I can hate it more), but it still creepy and feels like… the tales of unfortunate events by Lemony Snickets, seriously. Absolutely not that it copying or something, it just have a similar weird and creepy atmosphere inside and I can’t take it. It’s too dangerous 😦

But I don’t know why I fall in love by the simple artwork. It’s classical and dark I love.

By the way, I practically been singing and humming this song a lot for the past few days. From the time that my mother love it ’till the point that she has been sick and told me to be quiet LOL

A life updates: My final paper has reach the climax stage, my final paper assembly will happen around three weeks ahead, which is, arround the corner and I’m stressing a lot but also fangirling a lot.

Another life updates: Ramadhan has been coming, thank You Allah. Thank You so so much. I always loved it.

Japanese · Music · My Artist Side · My Music Geek Side


2014-12-12 06.21.24 1

Tittle: 花言葉 / HANAKOTOBA
Written By: Me






It’s already April isn’t it? The time of spring where the flowers are blooming
And the sunlight creates a new sparkling shades through the trees and leaves

Your voice and your smile always always
Be the one that I want to hear and see everyday

The flower languange is blooming, let me passed this to you
Just tell me, if you know the meaning behind of it
Being closer is somewhat strange and wonderful, but I know I’m only a coward
So please answer me, answer the meaning behind my flowers.

Music · My Artist Side · My Blabber Side · My Music Geek Side

Mood Fixed with the Strings

Not sure if I’m too creative or too shallow to leave alone my tasks and assignments behind and doing this instead, but, yeah, I serve you ANOTHER VIDEO~~!! [INSERT HEAVENLY BACKSOUND HERE].

This time I just grab out my guitar and make the list of songs part I want to play and I just did it right away! Without holly-crap-I’m-not-do-it-perfectly-I-have-to-repeated-it-all-over-again part! NO!

About the quality, well it can’t be changed so just skip over it, but I don’t really had any intentions to make this video become well-made or what, so I edited it as simple as I could! And soooo sorry I just can’t came up with the better skill. I think I’m a forever-lame person for music (eventhough I’m a passionate).

Anyway, that silly parts on the end, doing those is apparently soooo refreshing, I just know! I have to do it more often!!

Music · My Artist Side · My Music Geek Side


Written By: Me

‘Ku ingin tanya padamu
Apa rasa kebebasan itu?
Setelah kau kecap wangi udara yang tak semu.

Bolehkah kutanya lagi?
Bagaimana semu aindah bagimu?
Haruskah kau sakit dan terluka berat dahulu?

Seraya jari tertunjuk ke langit
Matahari dan bulan silih berganti.
Batas dunia tak berbeda lagi.

Dan aku mencari pelangi
Demi tiap langkah yang t’lah terlalui.
Kau berkata semua akan baik saja
kau sungguh tak mengerti.
Kucari dunia sejati
Tanpa bayang kaca silih berganti
Hapuskanlah rintik-rintik ini.

Sedikit demi sedikit
Warna-warna terang yang berlalu
Berputar, berkelip, menghalangi kepulan debu.

Tak usai aku bertanya
Apa yang dimaksud ‘hati’ itu?
Hanya imajinasi, tak ada yang sungguh mengerti.

Bisakah waktu diputar kembali?
Tapi walau pun mungkin tak perlu lagi.
Kehidupan yang berbeda dimensi.

Dan aku mencari pelangi
Demi tiap langkah yang t’lah terlalui.
Kau berkata seolah terlihat mudah
Kau sungguh tak mengerti.
Kucoba halangi mentari
Silau menyakitkan seperti sunyi
Bangunkanlah mimpi buruk ini.

Ketika semua halnya
Mulai melebur di udara
Cobalah ucapkan sepatah kata saja
Di dunia berselimut emosi.

Dan aku mencari pelangi
Demi tiap langkah yang t’lah terlalui.
Kau berkata semua akan baik saja
kau sungguh tak mengerti.
Kucari dunia sejati
Tanpa bayang kaca silih berganti
Hapuskanlah rintik-rintik ini…
Bangunkanlah mimpi buruk ini…


PS : Just recorded this now, but it’s actually written about a month ago while practical exams still on (pardon me, I can’t stop to turn my feelings into songs hehehe). And please bear with my mess voice HAHAHAHA

My Artist Side · My Blabber Side · My Fangirl Side

Mozart Struck

The day before yesterday I went to vintage cassete store with mother and while mother got her country songs, I got these!!

1 23

Actually, classic and baroque composers that I love to the moon and back is Tchaikovsky, Handel, Pachelbel, and Chopin. I’m not really set my ears on Mozart and Beethoven. I’ve usually find their Sonatas sooo monothone yet too typical one and another. But this one from Mozart is different. May I called, it’s sounds like ballet works that reminds me of The Nutcracker ballet recital. I played it so many times in student council quarter (or we called it ‘ruang BEM’) and my friends said as they’re in the barbie world. Geez, you guys… -_-

Bahasa · My Artist Side · My Blabber Side


All my sorrow, sickness, anger, numb, I’ve tried to gather it all but still it so many that this song is not enough yet.

Tittle: Palsu
Written By: Me

Terkalah terka bait duka ini.
Bagaikan sebuah teka-teki emosi.
Terpacu berpacu waktu sebelum semua hilang.
Beratnya berat menanggung asamu.
Pudarnya hidup tanpa akan disesali.
Sesaknya sesaknya tercekik gelombang indah imaji.
Bawa sebuah senyum palsu ke surga.
Gantungkan indah, tempatnya di sana.
Tutup mata dengarkan ratapan pilu cakrawala.
Hidupkan hidupkan sebuah nyawa.
Yang berkedip redup bagai lilin terbadai.
Lepaskan lepaskan baju zirah palsu yang melekatnya.
Hancurkan musnahkan semua rasa.
Biar hidup berjalan tanpa ada jiwa.
Hentikan hentikan putaran dunia, tak ada esok.
Ketika suara lain datang bernyanyi,
Angkara pilu terdiam terpaku.
Membesit cerita drama bagaikan Cinderella.
Terbangkan kepalsuan yang indah.
Lelahkan terselimut ribuan kata-kata?
Lapis demi lapis tak ada habisnya.
Lihatlah awan pun tertawa.
Di balik jeruji dunia yang berbeda.
Sembunyikan matahari yang sesungguhnya.
Bertahan bertahan waktu ke waktu.
Diterpa kejamnya kenyataan yang palsu.
Rapuhnya rapuhnya jiwa betapa takdir mengikat erat. 

Keluarkan bujuk rayu yang indah.
Beberkan semua teori yang kau punya.
Membuang waktu tak ada artinya.
Dengarkan permainan nada ini.
Bahkan melupakan susunan seharusnya.
Tergapai lemas di tengah udara hampa.

Music · My Artist Side · My Blabber Side · My Music Geek Side

Old Tunes

Between the stacks of assignment to be done, I accidentally drawn out books I use to write my songs and sang it all until I’ve run out the voice. I’ve been wrote song since Junior High so glad to know I still remember all the melodies. I use English since my very first song until now (and guess I exploring Japanese and Bahasa Indonesia quite often nowadays?) but hey, just realized my English was ever that worst….. I still think my english is suck now, so quite relieved to know apparently now it sounds better.

And I found one thing. I used to be so positive songwriter in the past. Mostly my starter songs sounds like cheering life, forget-the-sorrow-and-get-the-happiness, move-on-and-go-on, that sort of things. But as I growing up, I used to writing the lyric without thinking. The song and lyric done just like that, but when I read, it holds the deepest emotion and feeling inside me. My friend ever said to me, lyrics that written without thinking and flowing-just-like-that usually being the most honest one. Yeah it is. Even, it sounds so true that I burst in tears when I sing it. So reality.

If we just think it short, it feels like the more we grown up, the more we realize that world is not nice anymore and life becoming so hard. But well, apparently that’s not true. I think happiness and sorrow comes in one complete package. You can’t just get one of it. You have to get both in a balance dosage. Certainly.

PS: Speaking song, this is certainly my current addictive right now that I used to play non-stop.

Music · My Artist Side · My Blabber Side · My Music Geek Side

The Last Word

I’m not typical person who easily give my faith and take other person as my best friend or important person for me. So if it really happens, then you should be so special for me. But if you just keep dissapoint me, even that I’ve forgiving and be patient all the time, I could just go on and never come back to you anymore.

So this is the song all about. I usually write a song in english or japanese, and this is the first song I wrote in Bahasa Indonesia. I’ve wrote it so long ago, but these days I kinda feeling this is the perfect soundtrack since I decided to forget them.

I’ve made the complete guitar chords and bridge riff too, but I’m not uploaded it because the lack of recording installation.

Excuse my messy voice and, yes, this song is special for YOU, my DEARESTS.